My family always supports me throughout every step of my life. I would not be the person I am without their unwavering guidance and love.
Jeff, Anthony (brother), Nicky (brother), and Deena (sister)
Aunt Elaine, Mom, Jeff, Mary Anne (dear friend) at the Taj Mahal
Jeff, Dad, Deena, Anthony (nephew), Ryszard (nephew), and Nicky

Ryszard, Anthony, Dad, and Dmitrik (nephew)
Marie Swajeski (mentor) and Jeff
Aunt Elaine, Aunt Pat, Uncle Franny (left side of photo), Uncle Herm, Mom, and Jeff (right side of photo)
Dmitrik, Jeff, Anthony, Ryszard, Dad, Nick, Kristina (Sister-in-Law), and Anthony
Brandon (nephew), Jeff, and Mom
Nick, Brandon, and Jeff

The Christiana Mall
Disney Store cast (Jeff - 1st row, left)

Jeff with Smee and Captain Hook